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Feb 4, 2012

Making of: Lady Giraffe

This is one my brand new pieces I created for show MENAGERIE @ Steam Whistle Gallery, Toronto. It's still up currently and will be up for the rest of the month if you care to see some new works in person. 

I've tried something new for this body of work. I know a lot of people love seeing the 3-dimensional look of sculpture and my work more or less starts out as a sculpture, but the final ends up being a photograph illustration. I sculpted and wooden panel this time, also using crackle paste, which I had never tried before. I must say it was really cool seeing how the cracks formed over 2 days of drying. I definitely did a lot more painting than sculpting this time around. I forgot how time consuming it was, I got so accustomed to sculpting and set building. I thought for an art show it would be the perfect time to test out a different way of presenting my sculpture illustration. Of course I'll still be doing sets and full character dolls. I feel its a new year and there's many things I can still experiment with and grow as an artist. Your work will always change and grow over time, it's a good thing.

PS. my new website and updates are still on their way. I've been really busy! I apologize for the long wait.

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