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Jan 6, 2013

WIP: Doll Peek

Happy New Year Friends!

I finally get to make some personal work again, hoorray for that!! Every time a new year begins I get inspired to do some personal work. All the ideas just rush in and my hands get busy drawing and sculpting. I'm trying something new as usual, can't get stuck on one thing. I think it's better to progress and try new things, doesn't necessarily have to fit in with your other work, it's just taking what you do out of the norm and to another level. People will always be able to tell you're work by you're personal style. For this piece I'm working with some new fabrics, lots of sewing ahead, and a slightly different mood as well. I'm sure you noticed the female character's expression, not my usual humorous direction. Well we shall see what comes if it I'm excited about it.

Cheers :)

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